Wesley Holmes, Recess, Black Velveteen & Brian Lyons
FLAMMABLE returns to the Kremwerk compound for some of that infamous holiday weekend dance floor revelry we all know & love! This time round B&W are thrilled to host longtime fave & Shameless prez: R E C E S S…as well as a Flammable debut from the exuberant B L A C K V E L E V E T E E N. Please join us under the red light’s glow for six hours of musical mayhem Flamm style.
Wesley Holmes
Black Velveteen
Brian Lyons
Kremwerk (downstairs – Note that Fraktured will be upstairs in the Timbre Room at the same time)
Vaccinated Only: A vaccination card or photo of your vaccination card must be presented at the door in order to enter. The proof of vaccination must match your valid form of ID. You must have received your final shot more than 14-days prior to the event.
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